pool landscaping

8 Pool Building Mistakes To Avoid

Your pool design contractors will confirm that pools are second major investment in your house next to your house building. In such a case, you must not leave room for mistakes that can easily be avoided while designing pools if you pay close attention.

Know about swimming pool landscaping

We have listed below common mistakes that homeowners should avoid when building a pool.

Container Material

Containers have not only water in them, they also determine the longevity and durability of your swimming pool. To be exact, it is the material containers are made of. In ground pool builders will prefer concrete but there are limitations like it is porous hence algae and bacteria can grow and requires annual draining. Fiberglass, on the other hand, is cheap and low-maintenance and easy to install for pool design contractors. It requires monthly vacuuming and does not require annual draining.

Ignoring Weather

It is the most important mistake homeowners and pool builders commit. Ignoring the weather when you are building a swimming pool in patio will lead to damage. The material you are using depends on the weather conditions. For example, concrete cracks down in extreme weather. Hence, thoroughly examine the weather.

Wrong Location

We often neglect the fact that the location we have selected may be the wrong one. It may have electricity cables, sewer pipes, or telephone cables underground. If we do not know the architecture of the house then the location of pool may result in chaos. Hence, it is imperative that we consider the pool location and underground cable net before the builders start digging a pit in there.

Bad Pool Design Contractor

Hiring wrong designers for you pool building will lead you to wastage of money and time. Whether they are in ground pool builders or above ground pool contractors, compare all the options available before you hire one. Sometimes, builders exaggerate what they can do and may end up in building a low-quality pool. Moreover, swimming pool builders may not be the best at landscaping and ignore the patio altogether. You need to consider that the designer, you have hired, keeps in mind the whole scenery in mind and would not deprive the place of its charm.

Wasting Space

When building swimming pools, we overlook the number of the people who will use the pool and waste space that may be used as outdoor kitchen. The number of people you are going to entertain within your pool will determine the space needed for the pool building. If you are planning it for your family then little space will do. But if you are planning to host pool parties and entertain many guests then you have to have a big swimming pool.

Skimming Pool Contract and Warranty

Your pool is an artwork that involves multiple vendors. There are plumbers, designers, constructors and suppliers. Many of us commit a common yet a big mistake i.e. not knowing what party offers what and how long the warranty would be valid for. It is very important to thoroughly go through the contracts and warranty duration since pools are going to be long term investment. You should not go for warranty that lasts for six months only.

Overdoing Finances

We often ignore the budget we decided originally for the pool. Hence, end up in over spending and outdo our budget. Save money where you can and spend money where you should. For example, you should carefully consider the drain system for the pool and spend on it but if you do not afford then do not go overboard with the water feature.

Not Adding A Water Feature

Static water may make the water stagnant and smelly. Whereas, adding a water feature will give the illusion of movement to the water, making it peaceful and relaxing. You do not need to spend too much on water feature and should go for cost efficient water feature.

Swimming pools are a work of art, hire smart in ground pool builders who are experienced and well-versed in what they do. They will help y in avoiding these mistakes and will also suggest the ways to groom your pool to increase the overall property value as well. lagras

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