
How To Parent A Child With Severe Allergies

If you notice any weakness or harsh reaction from anything in your child, then you need to consult an allergy doctors as soon as possible and, if your child is diagnosed severe allergies then there are a few tips that can help you in parenting your kid.

Allergies in kids

  1. Plan Vacations

It is okay to take your child out on vacations, but you need to determine the allergic seasons of your kid. You can also ask the allergy doctor of your child about his non-allergic seasons and plan a vacation in those days. This would help you as well as your child to reduce some stress and enjoy the happy moments.

  1. Give Up Pets

There are some pets that won’t bother an allergic person and you can keep a pet that does not shed much or at all, you would have to give the pet regular bath and comb it away from your child or even outside the house but if your child has severe allergies then you might have to give up your pet which can make your child even more sad and stressful. In such situation, you can ask any of your relative or neighbor to keep that pet with themselves if they are okay with it and you can take your child and pay a visit to the pet and to the relatives as well.

  1. Don’t Restrict Your Child from Having Fun

An allergist may tell your child to avoid going near to the pets, this does not mean that you would have to stop your kid from stepping his/her feet outside the house. Call over your child’s friends for whole day or for a sleepover so that your kid won’t get frustrated by staying in the house every time.

  1. Plan Outdoor Picnics

Ask the allergy doctor if you can take your child to outdoor picnics. If your child is allergic to the grass and pollen then you can take him/her to the riverside or lake which is free from such pollens so that yours and your child’s stress is relieved, and you can have a great and joyful time.

  1. Plan Indoor Outings

If the weather is not suitable for your child then you can also take him/her to the indoor outings such as, the libraries, museum, indoor themed parks etc. to freshen up yours and your kids mood and mind.

  1. Limit Outdoor Games and Find Alternatives

Do not let your severely allergic kid to play outdoor games such as; football, cricket, soccer etc. as there shall be high amount of pollen. But you can ask the allergist if it is okay to let your kid let play indoor sports such as swimming, dancing, martial arts, squash etc. where there is no chance of such allergic pollens or grass. Keep a check of daily pollen counts and dust, they are recorded to be higher in morning so, keep the windows of your house closed that time and also during a road trip in your car.

  1. Ask Your Child to Wash Up on a Regular Basis

An allergic child is advised to clean up on a daily basis especially when his/her outdoor activity is greater. Even when it is not, ask your child to take a shower regularly and clean off his/her head properly in order to wash off all the possible dust or grain particles from hair.

  1. Covered Mattress

If your child is allergic to the dust mites then you should cover your child’s mattress in a plastic allergy-proof cover. You have to be very careful when your child gets off the bed and you should clean up the sheets and pillow covers at least once a week and the beddings need to be cleaned every month.

  1. Make Food Yourself

If you child is allergic to specific food then you need to pay strict attention to it and make his/her meal your own self avoiding all the things that are prohibit and cooking only the ones which are preferred by the doctor and is healthy for your child.

An allergist would provide your child proper treatment but there are some things that you should take care of.

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